Wednesday 5 January 2011


With it being a new year, I thought that I would share with you some of the things I want to do this year.

*I want to try and read atleast 100 books this year.
*I also want to read what is actually on my shelf, I have so many books that have been on my shelf for years without being read.
*I want to try and review most of them, I know this may be self explanitry but honestly sometimes you just don't have the time.
*Blogging wise I want to blog atleast every other day. I think I should manage this one.
*I want to set up a twitter and domain for this blog if possible. Twitter is easy, just I'm not to sure about the domain.
*I want to interact more with other bloggers, I want to comment on more blogs. At the moment and in the past I have been looking and reading but not commenting, this is going to change.

So yeah these are my reading and blogging resolutions, they are pretty boring but if I have them wrote down here there is no way I can forget them.

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