Sunday 30 January 2011

The Last Song

Her parents' divorce left 17-year-old Veronica Miller embittered and confused. Three years later, "Ronnie" still seethes with anger toward her father, a musician and teacher who has abandoned hectic New York City for the quiet beach town of Wilmington, North Carolina. Nevertheless, she reluctantly agrees to her mother's altruistic plan that for the good of all concerned, she should visit her estranged father in his new home. As the story of The Last Song unfolds, novelist Nicholas Sparks weaves his magic, threading together the intricate story of three very different people tied inextricably together.

I really enjoyed this book, I'll admit and say that I was in fact putting this book off as I just wasn't sure this was the right book for me. I'd heard so many things about Nicholas Sparks books in the past for me to warrant them as romance, a genre I don't find I like so much, however I had heard that his books were must reads. This is how I came to read The Last Song.

The characters are all great in the own little ways, for me I loved Steve, Ronnie, Jonah, Will and Blaze. Especially Blaze, although she wasn't in the book for the most part I actually got excited when she appereaded. All the characters where complex in their own little ways, you had the guilt trip had placed on himself, you have the hatred and love Ronnie feels for her father and you have the confusion and distance towards others from Blaze. The only person who was themselves to put it bluntly was Jonah.

The story follows Ronnie and her brother Jonah who are going to live for the summer with their father Steve in a small costal town. Moving from New York to Wilmington is a shock for Ronnie, she knows she will be bored and can't think of how she is ever going to spend the summer there, with her dad who she doesn't speak to. As the first day approaches to an end we meet Blaze, who Ronnie feels is a friend and she finallt thinks that the summer may not be so bad. She also runs into Marcus and Will, it appears they want to fight but about what? Skip forward a week and Ronnie and Will start what appears to be a whirlwind romance. Of course not everything is happy and a lot of secrets do come out between most of the main characters, the biggest coming from Steve.

This book was well written, the characters developed fast and fitted easily into there roles. This book will have you smiling and crying, yes there is a really sad scene towards the end. I honestly didn't know how the book was going to end and I think that it kind of ended too perfect, but I suppose that is just a personal choice. I will deffinatly be reading more by Nicholas Sparks in the future.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


With it being a new year, I thought that I would share with you some of the things I want to do this year.

*I want to try and read atleast 100 books this year.
*I also want to read what is actually on my shelf, I have so many books that have been on my shelf for years without being read.
*I want to try and review most of them, I know this may be self explanitry but honestly sometimes you just don't have the time.
*Blogging wise I want to blog atleast every other day. I think I should manage this one.
*I want to set up a twitter and domain for this blog if possible. Twitter is easy, just I'm not to sure about the domain.
*I want to interact more with other bloggers, I want to comment on more blogs. At the moment and in the past I have been looking and reading but not commenting, this is going to change.

So yeah these are my reading and blogging resolutions, they are pretty boring but if I have them wrote down here there is no way I can forget them.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Teaser Tusday

Teaser Tuesday is a meme hosted by MizB of Should be Reading.

Just do the following:
-Grab your current readOpen to a random pageShare two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that pageBE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
-Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

''Compare everything,' Harry said. 'Time of death, phase of moon, what was on TV, hair clolour of the victims, whether any of them borrowed the same book from the library, attended the same seminar, the sum of their telephone numbers. We have to know how he selects them.''

The Snowman, Jo Nesbo. Page 131.

Sunday 2 January 2011

New Year, New Start

I know I have been majorly slacking when it comes to posting and the blog in general, however with it being a new year I have decided that I am going to make a more concrete effort on the blog. I have just had a really bad few months inwhich time I haven't really had much time to do anything especially not web related, however this going to change. This will include more updates, including reviews, book news and contests. Yes contests!

In the coming weeks please look forward to seeing a lot of new content added and a total update of the layout and the overall style of the blog. I will be looking to start this tonight. The new layout should be sorted by tomorrow! I also will be adding a twitter account for the site, I have decided to do this because I think that it will mean that I can communicate with a lot of you better.