I got a few books this week. Some that I am sooo happy to finially get round to owning!

Wicked Lovely: You may of seen from my last couple of updates that I own the rest of this series and only needed this for my collection, I have read the book and thought it was fantastic!
Vampire Academy Series: I've wanted this series for a while now, and can't wait to get stuck into it.
Mistress of Rome: I basically got this because of the wonderful cover. It was love at first sight! After reading what the book is about I think that I will enjoy it, it has everything I like about a book rolled into one.
Nanny Returns: This is a tour book that I am looking forward to reading, it seems funny from what I can gather.
I hope you'll love The Vampire Academy series !! It's my favorite YA series personally !! Happy reading ;)